The Return of Bala
Last week we got a phone call from the landlord's office to tell us that Bala (the security guard who used to work here) was coming back. It was all a bit strange when he left (a month or so ago). He told me one day that he wasn't well and he was going to the hospital and then we didn't see him again after that! It was very odd.
Anyway, he returned to work the night shift here as our security guard and it's really nice to have him back. It turns out that he went off on some Pilgrimage for a month (I don't know why he didn't just tell us that in the first place). Anyway, so now our night guard has changed shifts to be here in the day and Bala is here at night.
We also got a new postbox fitted outside our house, which I am really pleased about. Before, when we got mail, the postman would ring the gate bell and just push the letters through the gate (as he couldn't be bothered to wait for us to answer the gate).
Also, they have finally sorted out the road leading up to our house. It used to be a dirt track, but they came and laid a road down - they even had a big red steam roller (see picture) which I was impressed with. Unfortunately, because they laid the asphalt so thinly, grass and weeds have started to grow up through the road. So, I would imagine within a few months it will be back to being a dirt track!

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