How Now Black Cow?
As I mentioned in one of my previous blogs, we have a lot of cows around our house (well you see them everywhere all over Chennai). Anyway I saw them grazing outside the front of our gate this morning and I asked my mum to come with me so I could take some photos of them. As my camera isn't great we had to get in really close to get a decent picture ... one of them (the third photo on here) was NOT impressed with us being so close to him and kept a watchful eye on us the whole time. Sorry it's not a great photo - he's sat under the bush! The other cow (second photo) was a bit more friendly and we were very close to him when this photo was taken. I was trying to get a photo of one with a bird on his back, but everytime I got close the bird flew away ... shame - it would have made a great photo!
I asked one of my Indian friends about all the cows all over Chennai as they are everywhere: on the sides of the roads, grazing by the beach, all over the place. She told me that the cows all belong to people - and everyone knows which cow belongs to which person - but the cows are allowed to graze wherever they want to. I wonder how people keep track of where their cows are! Anyway, hope you liked the photos!

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