Baby Beethoven

After searching several baby shops in Chennai (including Mothercare), I finally found a cot mobile that I liked. All the ones I had seen were either really badly made, brands I'd never heard of or really drab looking. There were two in Mothercare, which were very sweet but very plain. There were no bright colours and nothing that encouraged me to buy them. Then in 'The Baby Shop', I came across this Fisher Price Rainforest mobile. It has a little nightlight, leaves which open and close and the animals are really bright and colourful. It also plays classical music - Bach, Mozart and Beethoven to be exact (as well as rainforest sounds).
I thought it would be really nice to start playing the different tunes to my bump so that he or she could get used to the routine of hearing the music at bedtime. So, every night for the past week I have laid down in bed, put the mobile next to my tummy and played through each of the three composers. I also use this time to apply my cocoa butter cream, which not only helps for stretchmarks, but the baby seems to like the massage.
It's very strange - every time I put Beethoven on (no matter what order I play the different composers in), the bump starts going crazy and the baby moves and kicks and really responds to the music. He/she seems to love it.
I'm curious whether it will work. Will the baby associate this music with getting ready to calm down and go to sleep? Only time will tell.
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