Shopping, Cravings and more ...

We’re still plodding along here in Chennai. The weather is getting hotter now ready for the summer months. Our a/c in the bedroom is not working again – it wasn’t the current at all because it stopped working the same evening the guy told me that was the problem … there’s an internal fault on it. We had a quote from one company who said they could take away the parts and get it fixed in about four days. We decided to wait and get someone from the company it was bought from to come and give us a quote. They were supposed to come out to look at it yesterday but they never turned up. Consequently, we have been sleeping in the spare room on the small bed, which has an extremely hard mattress, but at least it is cool enough to fall asleep. The ceiling fans just don’t cool the room down enough which is why we can’t sleep in our bedroom. I’ll have to chase up the a/c guys tomorrow.
After the whole bookcase charade the other day, we decided to get a quote to have someone fit shelves into the three alcoves we have in two of the bedrooms and the hallway. Even just for a few planks of very cheap wood and some brackets it was going to cost Rs. 5000 (about £65)! So, I am going to hit the shops again on Tuesday with Gwen and try and find somewhere else to get one. The problem is you can’t even see the floor in our spare room for boxes and bags. I have nowhere to put the stuff and it’s just such a mess. It just can’t stay like that – it’s driving me crazy!!
We finally got our gas cylinder for our table top stove on Friday; it just needs to be connected now. It’ll be great when it’s working as it means I can boil eggs and make pasta and that kind of thing and I don’t have to rely on the restaurant for every meal! There is only so much you can do with a microwave and a toaster; although I did figure out that you can make cheese nachos in the microwave, which is quite cool as I had a craving for it the other day. My mum also sent me some custard powder as I’ve been craving a bowl of hot custard for months now (you can’t buy it here)!
My pregnancy is going well and my ‘bump’ just keeps on growing, which is great. Trying to keep fit and active, but I must admit it’s getting harder and harder! I have to go back to the doctors next week to get my glucose test done and also have to have my second tetanus injection. They advise all pregnant women here to get a tetanus shot as a precaution. I’m really glad I decided to do it as last week Pepsi scratched my stomach by accident, but she drew blood. Having the shot while you’re pregnant protects the baby as well, so it’s worth it. Also, I guess with the amount of street dogs here (although I don’t really come into contact with any) and germs and infections everywhere, it’s worth it just to be on the safe side.
I had a lovely birthday (even though I didn’t really want to celebrate). I’ve just finished the 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle that I got for Christmas, so Penri bought me a 9000 piece one for my birthday. It is MASSIVE! It’s really cool but I’m not sure how I’ll ever finish it. I have just started sorting out all the edge pieces – I spent over an hour and am not even a quarter of the way through it. Here’s a picture of the finished product:

Not much other news here really, so I’m going to go now and I’ll write when I have more news. Hopefully I’ll be able to post on here on Tuesday saying that I’ve finally found a bookcase … we’ll see!
Belated Happy Birthday!
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