July 2007 catch-up
Wow! I can't believe it's been over a month since I've written on here! Things have been so crazy and the time has just flown away with me.
Things here are going really well. Penri is still really busy at work and the builders near our house have been even busier ... take a look at the photos of how quickly the house (or flats) have gone up. There are two different building sites: the first one is directly in front of our house (now blocking the view of the beach from our house) and the second is directly underneath our bedroom window.
Can you believe they are starting on the 3rd floor before they've even put walls in on the first two floors????? I'm not a builder, but I'm sure that's not right!
This one seems to be developing very quickly!
I have joined the OWC Executive Committee, which is keeping me busy. I am on the Membership committee and my friend and I have been updating their directory, which has taken hours of phone calls to different companies to confirm addresses and phone numbers! A lot of them were out of order, which then meant phoning directory enquiries and trying to find out the correct number ... all fun! It certainly kept me busy for a few days.
I just don't know where the time has gone to! The last month has flown by and on Monday (30th) it will be mine and Penri's second wedding anniversary!
School starts here again next week so most of the expat families will be back here over the next few days. I am really pleased about this as it will be good to have people to meet up with and go shopping with.
I have some photos I want to add of pictures taken around India - there are some great photos here (from chennaiist.com) which I wanted to share with you.
Not an uncommon sight in India - 5 on a bike ...

Building a bridge (I think for train tracks) near the airport - can you see the scaffolding? I wouldn't climb up that!

Anyone who has been to India will know how busy the buses get ... anyone who hasn't been - see below:

We have this to look forward to in a couple of months:

People everywhere:

I really like this photo:

Ok, so I didn't really write much information, but I wanted to put a post on here so that you all knew we were still ok and to let you know I will write again soon.