I’d forgotten how big spiders can be
Until yesterday when one looked right at me
I’d gone downstairs to empty the bin
When I finished I had a quick peek and looked in
Imagine my horror, my total surprise
When there sat a spider right before my eyes
I didn’t scream or yell or shout
I kept my calm and tipped him out
He, however, had another plan
His big spindly legs stuck to the can
Then he started crawling closer to me
I held my breath, counted 1 … 2 … 3
Just as he reached the top of the bin
I shook it hard and he fell in
Then I threw the small bin onto the floor
And just took a look to be absolutely sure
Once I was satisfied that he wasn’t there
I picked it up and came back upstairs
Then I recounted my tale to Penri
Who said he was glad it wasn't him, but me
The moral of the story
The end of my rhyme
You can overcome your fears
Over a period of time
Just hold your breath and count to three
It’s easy to do … try it you’ll see
My final words I want to say ...
I’ll take spiders over cockroaches any day!

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